Join us to launch your knowledge product

the easy way with our all-in-one toolkit.

10 minute setup · Try for free without commitment · Intuitive site builder

Grow your business

  • Link-in-bio
  • Shop Builder
  • Landing Page Builder
  • Premium Templates
  • Booking Page
  • Course Builder
  • Contract Signing
  • Form Builder
  • Testimonials
  • No Transaction Fees
  • Custom Domain
  • Member Portal
  • Remove Branding

Free Trial
Most Popular

  • Link-in-bio
  • Shop Builder
  • Landing Page Builder
  • Premium Templates
  • Booking Page
  • Course Builder
  • Contract Signing
  • Form Builder
  • Testimonials
  • No Transaction Fees
  • Custom Domain
  • Limited Member Portal
  • Remove Branding

Free Trial
Get Started for FREE

  • Link-in-bio
  • Shop Builder
  • Booking Page
  • Basic Templates
  • 1x Landing Page Builder
  • 1x Course Builder
  • 1x Contract Signing
  • 1x Form Builder
  • 2%  Transaction Fee
  • Testimonials
  • Custom Domain
  • Member Portal
  • Remove Branding

Get Started

* Stripe processing fees from 1.75% domestic and 2.9% international may apply for card payments. Stripe Billing includes 25 free invoices per month. Sales include 2% fee on the Starter plan and no additonal fees on the Pro and Growth plans.

We will happily provide a refund if you are not fully satisfied by emailing support or using the refund link on the dashboard within the first 30 days, please review our refund policy click for terms and conditons.
Compare Features Starter Pro
We make it easy to get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, AssistanceHQ works with your existing website. You can copy and paste all your links including booking and online store.

Yes, AssistanceHQ works with your existing social media. You can copy and paste all your links including booking and online store.

AssistanceHQ partners with Stripe for Payments. On the settings page click the Stripe Connect Account button and Stripe will open where you can connect your existing account or create a new Stripe account.

All data is encrypted in transit and at rest and our systems are protected by industry standard security controls. Access to your data is secured by via your email or Google account with SSO.

You can offer packages and courses with weekly/monthly/yearly subscriptions as well as custom quotes.

Digital products are sold by download link provided by email after successful payment and include any file (pdf/link/video), links and resources in a private portal and mini courses with content sections including video.

Note please review the Stripe Restricted Businesses list as some services and products are not supported due to charge back risks.

Stripe processing fees from 1.75% domestic and 2.9% international apply for card payments. Stripe Billing includes 25 free invoices per month.

Our all-in-one approach to digital product experiences makes it easy without having to integrate 10 different tools or having to hire a developer.