Landing Pages


Assistance HQ helps you create landing pages with sections to showcase your offers.

  1. Login to your AssistanceHQ dashboard.
  2. Select Website.
  3. Create New
  4. Select one of the Landing Page templates
  5. Choose a name for your page
  6. You can insert multiple sections from the left hand menu including: Posts, Testimonials, Products, Courses, Downloads, Single Product, Newsletter Subscription, Count Down, Video, Join Membership, Next Steps, FAQ, Hero Banner, Stats Banner, Header Menu, Footer, Join Banner, Calendar Booking, Roadmap, CTA, Large Banner, Bonus Material, Checklist, Pricing, Icon Grid, Projects Layout, Project Image Layout, Column Layout, Thumbnail Gallery, Meet the Team.
  7. Click Save Page to Publish
  8. Copy the URL of the page to include in your links, emails or products pages.
  9. Ensure you have uploaded your branding under My Settings - Branding.

digital proposal
  •     Branding
  • Contracts